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MEET Lianita

Introducing Lianita, your personalized companion for optimal sleep health. Designed to understand and respond to your unique sleep patterns, Lianita uses advanced AI technology to create a conducive environment for restful, restorative sleep. By precisely identifying sleep stages and releasing calming aromas in accurate doses, Lianita works dynamically with your sleep cycle. 


This innovative device prioritizes your wellness, striving not only to enhance sleep quality but also to boost daytime productivity and overall health. Lianita is more than a sleep improvement device—it's your dedicated partner on the journey to improved well-being.


Precision Sleep Staging

Lianita employs sophisticated technology to accurately detect each sleep stage, ensuring optimal synchronization of therapy.

Tailored Aromatherapy

Our system uses personalized aromatherapy, carefully curated for each sleep stage, enhancing the effectiveness of your rest.

Sleep Quality

Lianita not only promotes relaxation and reduces stress but ultimately enhances the overall quality of your sleep.

Compact & Portable

With a design that's both compact and portable, Lianita ensures your perfect sleep companion is always within reach, whether you're at home or traveling.

Scientifically Supported

Our approach to sleep enhancement is backed by research and scientific studies, ensuring a trustworthy and effective solution to your sleep problems.

Seamless Mobile Integration

Easy control and customization at your fingertips, with seamless integration with mobile devices, making sleep management easier than ever.

Fully Automated & Smart Fluid Mixing Mechanism

Lianita comes with a fully automated system and a smart mechanism that mixes the liquid precisely. No need for manual adjustments - just set it up, and let the device do the rest.

Intuitive Cartridge Reorder & Home Delivery

Running low on cartridges? Worry not. Lianita intuitively reorders cartridges as they near depletion, delivering them right to your doorstep, ensuring uninterrupted service and maximum convenience.

How It Works

1. User Initialization / Account set up

Create an account and sign up in the Lianita mobile application. The QR code on the package will help you download the app for your smartphone operating system and set up an account. For easy login, you can use your social media accounts or Gmail. In the app, you also specify your issues and configure the evaporator's operating mode to best suit your lifestyle.

2. Device set up

Place Lianita on your bedside table. Remove the top cover and take out the water container. Unpack the aroma cartridge (The device comes with four types of aroma cartridges in individual plastic packaging.) and attach it to the body of the water container. Stickers on the container will show you how. Then, fill the container with tap water. Insert it back into the evaporator and close the lid. Turn the evaporator so that the top opening is facing you. Plug the evaporator into an outlet. Follow the instructions on the application screen to connect the evaporator and proceed with further setup.

2. Sleep Observation and Evaluation

Following activation, the application delves into an in-depth examination of the user's sleep environment and physiological responses. Ambient noise, individual body movements, the presence or absence of snoring, and teeth grinding are meticulously observed. These critical factors form the basis of Lianita's strategic decision-making process, determining when and how intensely to release the tailored taste essences.

3. Custom Taste Infusion

In response to the data gathered and analyzed by the application, Lianita—strategically situated on the bedside table—commences its pivotal role as an advanced air humidifier. Skillfully, it begins the careful dispersion of the selected calming essences into the air. These taste vapors, delivered in carefully calculated proportions, work towards inducing a more tranquil and restful sleep.


The device does not only monitor the humidity in the room during your sleep.

We monitor the quality of the sleep itself and add calming aromas as needed.

4. Intelligent Self-Adaptation

As the calming taste essences effectively alter the sleep environment, the user's sleep cycle stabilizes, and restful sleep ensues. Detecting this shift, Lianita demonstrates its intelligent capabilities by moderating, and eventually stopping the release of taste essences. By autonomously adjusting the quantity of calming essences, Lianita ensures an optimal and beneficial atmosphere throughout the user's sleep.

Mobile Application

The Intelligent Lianita Mobile Application

Lianita's smart mobile application functions as the command center for your personalized sleep journey. Installed on your smartphone, it links with the Lianita device, transforming your sleep pattern into a unique, customizable experience tailored to each individual's needs.

Sound Detection, Response, and Data Collection

As you enter your sleep cycle, the application becomes an attentive guardian, picking up any disruptive noises, such as snoring or teeth grinding. When it detects sleep disruptions, it communicates with the Lianita device, prompting it to release a precise dose of soothing taste essence mingled with calming medications. Furthermore, the application records these disruptions, offering valuable sleep data that you can later share with your healthcare provider for a comprehensive understanding of your sleep health.

Convenience and Automatic Reordering

For your convenience, the application is designed with user-friendliness in mind. Despite housing advanced technology, it presents a clear, intuitive interface, simplifying the route to improved sleep health. Plus, it doesn't stop at just helping you sleep better. The application is smart enough to know when the cartridge is running low and will automatically place an order for a replacement, delivering it straight to your doorstep, ensuring that your Lianita experience remains uninterrupted.


Humidifier with
smart aroma diffuser

The Modern and Elegant Vaporizer

Lianita's vaporizer is not just a piece of advanced sleep technology, it's also a stylish modern accessory that perfectly blends with any interior decor. Its sleek, ergonomic design lends a contemporary aesthetic, making it a stylish addition to any room. The visual appeal is complemented by a convenient window feature, enabling you to effortlessly monitor the water level in the reservoir.

Efficient and User-Focused Functionality

The vaporizer boasts two separate tanks for water and the soothing taste essence, ensuring a perfect blend for effective relaxation. The smart nozzle, an integral component of the vaporizer, precisely directs the calming vapors towards the user, maximizing the effectiveness of the medication. All of these features are easily managed via a user-friendly control panel embedded in the device.

Smart Connectivity and Convenience

The vaporizer is equipped with a Bluetooth module allowing for seamless integration with your smartphone. You simply place the device near your bed, and the rest is handled by Lianita. The device tracks the level of the taste essence and, when it approaches depletion, the vaporizer communicates with your phone application to alert you. The end result is an uninterrupted sleep-enhancing experience tailored to your needs.


What's Inside

Contemporary Ergonomic Design

Lianita's design aesthetic masterfully marries utility and modernity. The streamlined form factor effortlessly integrates with any room decor, while its clear observation window serves the dual purpose of design and functionality by enabling convenient water level monitoring.

Dispersion Nozzle

A standout feature of Lianita, the adjustable nozzle, is ingeniously designed to personalize your sleep journey. By directing calming vapors precisely towards the user, it ensures a more individualized and effective aromatherapy experience.

Hydration Reservoir
Cartridge with Aromatized Calming Agent
Ultrasonic Atomizer
Smart Mixing

Designed to minimize interruptions, Lianita's spacious water reservoir guarantees up to three days of unbroken operation. This allows for an extended period of therapeutic vapors, promoting a deeper, more restful sleep.

At the core of Lianita is a cartridge filled with a unique blend of calming substances and user-preferred tastes. Once released into the water, these elements unite to produce a harmonious mix of tranquilizing vapors crafted to enhance sleep quality.

Central Control

 An essential component of Lianita, the advanced ultrasonic atomizer ensures a uniform and efficient diffusion of the therapeutic vapors into the air. This continuous, controlled dispersal optimizes their impact on your sleep quality.

The smart mixing valve in Lianita plays a key role in the process of vaporization. It meticulously combines the water from the tank with the taste-infused calming mixture from the cartridge. The result is a precisely calibrated release of soothing vapors.

At the heart of Lianita's operations is its Bluetooth-enabled control module. This module connects smoothly to your smartphone, allowing for an intuitive user interface and easy adjustment of the device's functions, providing a seamless user experience.

Dream tastes

Lianita's vaporizer offers an exciting array of four unique tastes - Lavender, Chamomile, Vanilla, and Jasmine - each specifically chosen for their inherent ability to induce tranquility and improve sleep. These tastes aren't just for your olfactory pleasure, but they play a vital role in creating an environment that encourages restful and uninterrupted sleep.


These tastes, available in the form of easy-to-install cartridges, provide flexibility to customize your sleep experience. Whether you're in the mood for the soothing notes of Lavender, the calming essence of Chamomile, the comforting sweetness of Vanilla, or the exotic tranquility of Jasmine, the choice is yours. When a cartridge is nearing its end, Lianita smartly sends a notification to your smartphone, and ordering a replacement is just a tap away, ensuring a seamless continuation of your personalized sleep enhancement.

Comparison table

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